Come summer, you are looking forward to more time outdoors. Maybe you’re even getting that grill ready for barbecue season. The last thing you’re thinking about is your drains. But take it from our Philadelphia plumbers, summer is the time when we get called out for more drain cleaning than any other time of the […]

Come summer, you are looking forward to more time outdoors. Maybe you’re even getting that grill ready for barbecue season. The last thing you’re thinking about is your drains. But take it from our Philadelphia plumbers, summer is the time when we get called out for more drain cleaning than any other time of the year.

Preventative Maintenance

Why? With the kids home from school, you may just see more strange things ending up stuck in your drains and flushed down your toilets. Or your husband has decided to shave off that winter beard and there it sits, right in your drain. We like our customers, but you certainly don’t want to be calling us every week for a drain cleaning. Here are some things you can do as preventative maintenance to cut down on those summer clogs.

Lock the Lids

No, Legos aren’t flushable. But tell that to your darlings. Speaking of flushing, lid locks are recommended for households with toddlers. Not only are toilets a potential drowning hazard according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, but it will save many things from going down the toilet that simply shouldn’t be there. Toys and whole rolls of toilet paper are clogs just waiting to happen. Lock the lids of toilets that can’t be closely monitored.

Watch What You Flush

With more people around during the summer, keep mindful of what may get flushed, especially with any water saving toilets. These are more clog-prone that the conventional toilets. But even your standard toilet can get clogged with things that aren’t meant to dissolve like paper towels, napkins, and wipes.

Baskets in the Drains

Hair is the number one clog we deal with and summer means more hair down the drain, not to mention mud, grass and other summer debris. Those little mesh baskets can catch a lot of potential clogging mess before it makes it down your drain.

Disposal Disasters

There’s nothing like fresh fruit and corn on the cob when it comes to summer eating. Burgers? Yum! But grease, fruit pits, and corn cobs can be your disposal’s worst nightmare. Be careful about what you tax your garbage disposal with and make sure to run plenty of water with each use to make sure everything is going down properly.

Don’t Use Those Chemicals

It’s just a little clog. And it looks so simple on TV, right? But those chemicals can do more harm than good. Not only can they be highly toxic, but over time, those chemicals can cause some pretty costly damage to your plumbing. Chemical drain cleaners can actually deteriorate your pipes. In most cases, your Philadelphia plumber can deal with a drain clog in a few minutes.

If you’re dealing with one of those nasty summertime clogs, call our team of professionals. Or better yet, call us for a drain cleaning as preventative care. When you call our skilled Philadelphia plumbers, you can be sure that it’s done right.

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